Bigfoot, Vanaras, and The Hidden History of the Human Race, Michael Cremo | Untold Radio AM #145

Join us tonight as we talk with Researcher Michael Cremo and dive into BIGFOOT, YETI & VANARAS - Ancient aliens - Hidden Human History and Forbidden Archeology as he puts it all together for us.Learn More About Michael Cremo's Books Below:Forbidden Archeology: Hidden History of the Human Race (The Condensed Edition of Forbidden Archeology): Devolution: A Vedic Alternative to Darwin's Theory Archeologist: The Atlantis Rising Magazine Columns of Michael A. Cremo: Archeology's Impact: How a Controversial New Book Shocked the Scientific Community and Became an Underground Classic: Nature: click the thumbnail below. The countdown begins NOW.Join Doug Hajicek and Alex each Wednesday on the Untold Radio Network Live at 7pm Central - 5pm Pacific and 8pm Eastern.Come and Join the live discussion next week. Please subscribe. We have ten different Professional Podcasts on all the things you like.New favorite shows drop each day only on the UNTOLD RADIO NETWORK.