Vince Ynzunza grew up in Washington State and has been interested in UFOs and the paranormal since he was a child. He is an independent videographer, researcher, historian, and the producer of the YouTube series Pacific NorthWEIRD which chronicles the...
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Melissa has studied history, art, folklore, and culture most of her life as a passionate hobby. Academically she studied World Wars I & II, Russian history, and Western Civilization in university and has her degree in Graphic Design.Melissa began podcasting...
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Wayne Clingman is a longtime fan of history, both the kind they teach in school and the history “they” want kept hidden. Wayne lives in a 115 year old haunted home in Racine, Wisconsin, with his wife, Barb, four Alaskan...
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Susy Bastille is an independent researcher of the elusive and often maligned pukwudgie (that diminutive forest dwelling humanoid, and trickster, of Wampanoag folklore). Born and raised in CT, Susy's focus has been in the rich history of strange and spooky...
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Chris Aubeck was born in London. He has lived in Spain since 1991, where he teaches English. He started his journey into exploring UFO history in his early teens and has collaborated with some of the best minds in the...
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