EP 76 ─ Brian King-Sharp – Host of Sasquatch Odyssey
Listen to "Untold Radio AM: Brian King-Sharp – Host of Sasquatch Odyssey" on Spreaker.

Unfortunately, Co-Host Joel Sturgis was busy this week, so Alex is filling in as a Co-Host with Doug Hajicek for this week's episode.
About this Week's Guest:
Hello. My name is Brian and I am the host of the Sasquatch Odyssey Podcast.
My interest in the paranormal and Cryptids started at a very early age. I grew up in the north Georgia mountains and have spent most of my time in the wonderful south! As a child I constantly heard tales of Bigfoot and the wild men while spending time with friends and family. At the age of twelve I had an experience of my own, igniting a life long journey of seeking answers to seemingly unanswerable questions.
I eventually moved away from from hometown and started a 16 year career in law enforcement in Atlanta, Georgia. Although I enjoyed my time in public service, in 2016 I made the decision to leave it behind and start a new chapter in life. For several years I traveled with my partner volunteering on organic farms (WWOOFing) and exploring a more nomadic lifestyle. We even purchased a few vintage VWs and enjoyed camping and living out of a Westfalia Camper Bus for a bit. We eventually purchased almost 40 acres of property in the North Carolina mountains and began the journey of building a homestead. For the first year and a half we lived completely off grid in the woods. Recently we have completed a tiny house and are settling into our woods.
My encounters with unseen forces in my childhood home and seeing a UFO at age 16, have always remained a huge part of my life. I knew there was more to our world than I was able to comprehend. That journey eventually lead me to start the Sasquatch Odyssey and Paranormal Odyssey Podcasts. The shows have allowed me to meet so many amazing people who have shared their experiences with some of the very same things I have encountered. These stories told by the people who experienced them has reassured me that I am not alone in my quest for answers.
The Odyssey continues and I appreciate all of you for joining me on my quest for the truth and the answers we all seek.