Gambling & the Occult with Wayne Clingman | Talking Weird #89

Wayne Clingman is a longtime fan of history, both the kind they teach in school and the history “they” want kept hidden. Wayne lives in a 115 year old haunted home in Racine, Wisconsin, with his wife, Barb, four Alaskan Malamutes, and a Cat that controls his life. He is the producer of the film MILWAUKEE MAFIA: FRANK BALISTRIERI.

He is also the author of several books including: MR BIG'S MAGICKAL GUIDE TO GAMBLING:

Wayne visits Talking Weird to chat about the role of magick and the occult in gambling, along with his own experiences with Wicca, folk magic, hauntings, fairies, and other strange phenomena.

This is a lively and insightful conversation which explores some dark and mysterious byways of occult belief and the anomalous.