In the Shadows of Bumping Lake | Discover Sasquatch #30

Hello my friends, and tonight on the Untold Radio Network we welcome Tristan Yolton to the show at 8pm est. Tristan growing up, has always had a fascination with cryptids, such as Bigfoot, but was never really interested in looking for them, until 2015, when his father heard some “whoops” behind their home. After setting out an audio recorder, in the area where the “whoops” were coming from, he was able to gather some very odd sounds, which may or may not have come from this relic hominid. Then he was hooked. For the next 7 years, he has traveled around his home state of Washington, trying to gather evidence and learn about these primitive people. Along the way, he has met/made some great friends and has seen/heard some amazing, yet puzzling things. The Bigfoot mystery, continues…as does his journey to help solve it. Dont miss tonight, as he has quite the impressive collection of evidence gathered. From audio to pictures, and maybe even captured one on film. Tune in tonight to find out. See you then