PROJECT UFO: Sgt. Joe Friday, 2 Col’s & 1 Blue Book! | Down South Anomalies #86

As popular culture historians Jay Katz and Aspasia embrace the recent revelations of military whistle blower Col. Karl Nell and match them to the producer of "Project UFO" 1978-79 Col. William Coleman. “Project UFO” was created by maverick actor and screen writer Jack Webb who stared as Sargent Joe Friday in the long running police procedural series “Dragnet”. Jack was given unlimited access to the original Project Blue Book files for the creation of episodes over its 2-season run. Karl’s revelations and Jack Webb’s rarely seen series both resonate with propaganda, disinformation and truth. “What is old is new again” in Ufology’s endless search for disclosure. Below for your viewing pleasure.
Link to Project UFO Season 1&2 Episodes
Link to UFO Cover Up Live