Real Exorcism Accounts with Edd Schultz | Talking Weird #14

Retired priest and exorcist Edd Schultz visits with Talking Weird!

Edd served as a priest in the Episcopal Church for 33 years until his retirement in 2006.
He worked with the renowned ghost hunters Ed and Lorraine Warren, investigating several hauntings and serving as an exorcist on several occasions.

In the 1970s he was Co-director of the Foundation for Christian Psychic Research in Connecticut. During that time he lectured and wrote extensively about Christianity and the paranormal.

Because of his interest in parapsychology and experience in Silva Mind Control, he was dubbed “The Psychic Priest” by numerous talk show hosts.
Edd is now working on an autobiographical book entitled THE CONFESSIONS OF A PSYCHIC PRIEST.

He talks with Dean about some of his experiences working with the Warrens, and exorcisms he has performed.

This is an eye-opening show with one of Talking Weird's most popular guests!