Steve Kulls, also known as "Steve Kulls the Squatchdetective," is a prominent figure in Bigfoot research. He is a dedicated investigator who has spent years studying the elusive creature known as Bigfoot or Sasquatch.Kulls gained recognition for investigating and analyzing...
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Steve Ward has been fascinated by the unexplained for over half a century. There were two major events that inspired his interest in the unexplained.Growing up in Michigan, the March 1966 UFO flap occurred virtually in his backyard. The following...
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Aleksandar is a documentary filmmaker, outdoorsman and avid adventurer constantly searching for the unknown. Traveling across North America and the world, Aleksandar has looked into various Cryptozoological creatures like Sasquatch, the Loch Ness Monster, the Lake Champlain Monster, Mystery Big...
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Welcome to Paranormal Spectrum, where we illuminate the enigmatic corners of the supernatural world. I'm your host, Barnaby Jones, and today we have a very special guest joining us:Ronald Meyer is a seasoned paranormal experiencer, with encounters ranging from out-of-body...
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Dustin Schutta is a ufologist that has been studying the UFO phenomenon in Wisconsin for the past 12 years. He is one of the host from “Flying Chariots-The Rise” podcast. Dustin is also the custodian of Colonel Wendelle Stevens photographic...
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