Bryan Shickley is an award-winning animator and filmmaker from the Pacific Northwest, home of the infamous Maury Island incident. Known for directing the acclaimed short FRED CRISMAN: CAVE OF THE SPACE NAZIS, he is now developing a full cast Crisman...
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Your hosts Dr. Dean Bertram and Jason McLean are closing the doors of the Mysterious Library. But before they do, join them for this last hurrah, as they look back at some of the interconnecting themes that have underpinned much...
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Your hosts Dr. Dean Bertram and Jason McLean are preparing to close the doors to the Mysterious Library. And for this, their second last episode, they'll be looking at some of the more controversial theories regarding creation, and mankind's early...
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Your hosts Dr. Dean Bertram and Jason McLean are back in the audio-visual wing of the Mysterious Library. This week they check out the uplifting documentary: DAVE STEVENS: DRAWN TO PERFECTION from director Kelvin Mao. The film examines the life...
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Your hosts Dr. Dean Bertram and Jason McLean travel through the catacombs of the Mysterious Library tonight, checking out the classic 70s British TV mockumentary ALTERNATIVE 3, from filmmakers David Ambrose & Christopher Miles; as well as the companion book...
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