Let's get weird with the fantastic Maxim W. Furek, whose book "The Lost Tribes of Bigfoot" delves into the intriguing world of Bigfoot synchronicity, embracing interdimensional theories, mass hallucinations, and Jung's collective unconscious. This should be a fun one!
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Welcome to Paranormal Spectrum, where we illuminate the enigmatic corners of the supernatural world. I'm your host, Barnaby Jones, and today we have a very special guest joining us:Heather Leigh, is a Doctor of Philosophy in Metaphysical Humanistic Science with...
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Jason Hewlett is a paranormal investigator, researcher, author and filmmaker from British Columbia, Canada. He is the co-creator, writer and director of the award-winning web series “We Want to Believe”, and the author of four books, the most recent being...
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Join CARC investigators Mike Luci, Chuck Larson, and Tobi Crum as they bring you up to speed on the latest Bigfoot news stories and reports! Our third installment covers the big role Elon Musk payed in making Bigfoot history...a HUGE...
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On the day that the Starliner undocks from the ISS our own Archive is thrown into chaos so just a short episode covering some Fortean topics in Space and aviation.Link to Mexico Gremlin in 1990
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