Morgan Knudsen has been involved in the world of paranormal phenomenon for 20 years. Her story began with a great great grandfather, Dr. Albert Durrant Watson, who was the president of the Association for Psychical Research of Canada in 1918,...
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Wayne Clingman is a longtime fan of history, both the kind they teach in school and the history “they” want kept hidden. Wayne lives in a 115 year old haunted home in Racine, Wisconsin, with his wife, Barb, four Alaskan...
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Thomas Brown is a natural philosopher, exploring the enigmatic aspects of the universe, seeking to bridge the gap between science and the esoteric as an exercise in expanding awareness. With a unique perspective from a lifetime tracking diverse streams of...
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Jason has worked as an animal photojournalist since 1997 traveling the world in over 25 different countries meeting and photographing people who live with all kinds of exotic animals, from, tigers, grizzly bears, wolves, and kangaroos to everything in between.His...
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Tex Wesson is a Bigfoot, Dogman, and paranormal experiencer and field researcher. He is creator and host of the Tex's Front Porch YouTube channel and podcast and has been featured as a speaker at numerous conferences and the Dogman Triangle...
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