Join Tim and he chats with the one and only Thomas Steenburg. They discuss the history of Sasquatch in North America, credible eyewitnesses and what is behind the mystery of North America's elusive hairy creature.
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Tim and Dana chat with their good friend Dr. Russ Jones. They dive into how to prepare for researching in the woods, cameras, and patterns in the data he collects. Don't miss this informative and fun episode!
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Tim chats with Steve Kulls who has been involved in the Bigfoot subject since 1998, has appeared on numerous television documentaries, and has authored 3 books. They discuss how his background in forensic interviewing helps him with witnesses and identifying...
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In this episode Tim and Dana chat with Amy Bue. Amy shares how she got into studying the subject through her personal experience and the many projects she is involved with to help get scientists more involved. Learn about her...
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Tim and Dana chat with the legendary Ron Morehead. Ron was part of the team that captured the most intriguing audio related to potential Bigfoot, The Sierra Sounds.Join them as the discuss Ron's history and his theories on the subject.
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