Wayne Clingman is a longtime fan of history, both the kind they teach in school and the history “they” want kept hidden. Wayne lives in a 115 year old haunted home in Racine, Wisconsin, with his wife, Barb, four Alaskan...
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Preston Dennett is a researcher, lecturer, writer, actor, singer, consultant and so much more. A true renaissance man when it comes to the world of the anomalous. He has written over one hundred articles on the subject and authored over...
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Welcome to Paranormal Spectrum, where we illuminate the enigmatic corners of the supernatural world. I'm your host, Barnaby Jones, and today we have a very special guest joining us:Rev. Dr. Tracy Cox, DD has been working with people spiritually for...
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In this electrifying episode of *Untold Radio*, hosts Doug Hajicek and Jeff Perrella welcome Victoria Jackson, a former law enforcement officer turned cryptid adventurer and host of the Not So Perfect Bigfoot Show (NSPBigfootshow). Raised in the wild swamps of...
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Dr. Allen Greenfield is an American occultist, writer, and ceremonial magician. He is well-known for his significant contributions to various esoteric and occult traditions, including Thelema, Hermeticism, and Freemasonry. Greenfield, born on March 8, 1946, in Augusta, Georgia, has gained...
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