Preston Dennett began investigating UFOs and the paranormal in 1986 when he discovered that his family, friends and co-workers were having dramatic unexplained encounters. Since then, he has interviewed hundreds of witnesses and investigated a wide variety of paranormal phenomena.
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Listen to "Untold Radio AM: Chuck Zukowski – Former Deputy Sherriff Pursues UFO and Cattle Mutilation Cases" on Spreaker. Chuck Zukowski an IC Mask Design Engineer and former Reserve Deputy in Colorado, has been researching and investigating UFOs for over...
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Listen to "Untold Told Radio: Bill Powers - Design and Development Outdoor, Self-contained, Battery Operated, Covert Surveillance Cameras" on Spreaker. William specializes in the design and development outdoor, self-contained, battery operated, covert surveillance cameras and live streaming video systems. These...
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Listen to "Untold Radio AM: Todd Neiss – Bigfoot Investigator for Over 27 Years" on Spreaker. Bigfoot witness-turned-researcher, Todd M. Neiss has been an active investigator for over 27 years. Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he grew up...
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Listen to "Untold Radio AM - Author and Researcher, Christopher Noël Discusses "The Mind of the Sasquatch"" on Spreaker. Author and Researcher, Christopher Noël Discusses "The Mind of the Sasquatch" and how he came to his amazing theories about what...
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