Welcome to Paranormal Spectrum, where we illuminate the enigmatic corners of the supernatural world. I'm your host, Barnaby Jones, and today we have a very special guest joining us:Kastalia Nova Theo is a channeler, clairaudent, lightworker, spiritual development podcaster, elfian...
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Bigfoot enthusiasts, gear up for a mind-bending episode!This week on Untold Radio AM, hosts Doug and Alex Hajicek dive deep into the mysterious world of Sasquatch with special guests Brendan Berthold and Jeff Perrella. Get ready for a thrilling roundtable...
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As Sasquatch researchers, there is no way we can guarantee any activity during an expedition. Sasquatch is in control, and they will show up when and where they want. But SOMETIMES, our lives are turned upside-down when Sasquatch comes to...
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Chris Aubeck was born in London. He has lived in Spain since 1991, where he teaches English. He started his journey into exploring UFO history in his early teens and has collaborated with some of the best minds in the...
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nspired in the 90’s to subscribe to the UFO news clipping service Jay and Aspasia have always place much value on the initial reporting of anomalous experiences in the press. Newspaper search engines are at the heart of most digital...
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