Jay and Aspasia explore the nexus point where 21st century philosophy, cultural theory and popular fan based art collide. This collision reflects a world of lost futures that are haunted by the imagery and ghosts of past generations. Exploring the...
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Dana & Tim have an amazing conversation with life-long hunter, radio producers and television personality, Dan Young. Dan has spent his entire life hunting and fishing. He has been on outdoor radio and television programing for almost 30 years. What...
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2023 has certainly been a year of massive revelations in the world of anomalous research. It is a signifier of the third wave that will change humanity as we know it through the wide spread introduction of AI. We all...
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Tim & Dana have a fascinating discussion with filmmaker, Tate Hieronymus. Tate started his interest in Bigfoot at a young age and on found himself on the Bluff Creek Project Team where they dedicated years of research to locate and...
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Inconsideration of the festive season Jay and Aspasia take a look at some of the most unique aspects of the country they herald from, Australia. Marsupials, camels, spiders, giant slugs and snakes are just a few of the creatures they...
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