Justin is fast gaining momentum and recognition in the crypto community as his extensive study and vast knowledge of mysterious creatures are both captivating and intriguing fellow researchers throughout the nation. Justin, who now resides in the epicenter of The...
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This week on Untold Radio AM, we're delving deep into the mysterious world of Bigfoot with the remarkable Nikki Colón, a seasoned member of the Bigfoot community since 2013. Nikki brings a unique blend of humor, education, and an unquenchable...
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Join us in concluding our exploration on “Can Legal Concepts of Evidence be applied to Sasquatch Evidence!!” It’s been an interesting topic so far with our conclusion promising another fascinating show! I hope to see you there … but if...
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Chad Lewis is a researcher, author, and lecturer on topics of the strange and unusual. His background is in the field of Psychology and he did both his Bachelor and Master degree work in the field- but for nearly 30...
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Jeff Davis joins the show to talk about Alaskan Killer Bigfoot, working on paranormal television shows, the Northern Lights and more.The town of Portlock, Alaska, was established in the 19th century as a cannery, particularly for salmon. However, in the...
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