Tm & Dana have a fun and amazing conversation with their friend W.J. Sheehan. W.J is the author of the books series, Bigfoot Terror In The Woods, Sightings And Encounters". He also co-hosts the same titled popular podcast and YouTube...
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Join Tim & Dana as they have a fascinating conversation with 3-time author and veteran Bigfoot researcher Thom Powell. Thom is a retired science teacher and has been studying this phenomenon for over 25 years. He was involved with high...
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Tim and Dana have a compelling conversation with Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization's (BFRO) investigator, Dusty Ruth. Dusty had a career as a professional investigator and now leads expeditions in Ohio looking for signs the elusive creatures. Learn how their expeditions...
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Tim and Dana have an amazing chat with Cliff Barackman. Museum curator, television personality, and dedicated researcher, Cliff has been studying the subject since 1994 and has traveled to 46 states and worldwide looking for answers to the Bigfoot Phenomenon....
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Join Tim as he has a fascinating and compelling conversation with Rob Kennerson. Avid outdoorsman, Rob has had close up run-ins with Bigfoots in Arkansas and Oklahoma. Hear about his sightings and experiences as they dive into his past experiences.Follow...
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