Well, it’s time to get Scientific!! We will take our First Deep Dive into Scientific Topics. This, however, will be done in small doses for the sake of the viewer, listener and the host!!! (LOL). This week, we’ll begin with...
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In this Episode Jay and Aspasia take a look at the ground breaking television series In Search of. Running for 144 episodes over 6 seasons it was the first Fortean tv series of its kind. Leonard Nimoy would become the...
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This week, we’ll lighten things up a bit!! From Chapter 1 in “Psychological Horizons in Scientific Bigfoot Research” (available on Amazon), we’ll examine my own biases (and hopefully others’) on the existence of Sasquatch. After briefly reviewing the evidence for...
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Val Zavala is a gumshoguy. Not a Bigfoot expert. Fact is he’s not perfect, as an imperfect man. He is an avid reader and very well versed in this topic. He graduated from Central Michigan, served two terms in U.S....
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Jay and Aspasia explore the nexus point where 21st century philosophy, cultural theory and popular fan based art collide. This collision reflects a world of lost futures that are haunted by the imagery and ghosts of past generations. Exploring the...
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