Bram Roza made his film debut in 2018 with the critically acclaimed documentary XANGADIX LIVES!, a documentary about the bizarre origins and impact of the Dutch cult film The Johnsons.His second film seemed a logical choice. As early as primary...
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Max Hawthorne is an American author, screen and songwriter, as well as an avocational paleontologist. Referred to as the “Prince of Paleo-fiction”, he is best known for his Kronos Rising series of sci-fi suspense thrillers which have garnered both Book...
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Join your host Dr. Dean Bertram as he looks back at 4 years of Talking Weird!That's right, this week marks the 4th anniversary of the show!And he is joined, in studio, by a very special guest, and regular listener since...
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Captain G. S. Steckling is the curator / director of the sixty-year-old plus George Adamski Foundation, one of the oldest enduring worldwide UFO organizations in existence.A university graduate, veteran 30-year airline pilot with more than 23,000 hours of flight time...
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Author, illustrator, and Biblical paranormal researcher, Jason McLean lives in Waxahachie, Texas with his three children and beautiful, long-suffering wife. Beyond his lifelong love of art and comics, Jason’s life has been consumed with the study of archaeology, cryptozoology, ufology,...
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